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Source problems


Tata group uses the global expansion strategy to bring his group into a global market. As a result of becoming one of the world’s largest businesses, Tata has expanded into multiple businesses through acquisition of the automotive, telecom, power, mining, steel, hotel industries, chemical industries, etc. The fundamental problem is the diversification of businesses in different market that operate for over 100 companies in more than 80 countries. Thereupon, the biggest challenges faced by Tata Group are the continuum of recruiting talented individuals and retaining traditional value system while increasing the management bandwidth and carry the same ethical principal in the 21st century global competition.


Secondary problems


Short term


Diversification of businesses


Tata’s group has grown too broad of its investments and businesses through mergers and acquisition (Luthans, Fred & Doh, 2009). The diversification of the businesses over different countries would result the group to have a problem regarding working environment and national cultural difference of each individual market where the acquisition takes place.


Continuation of CSR and sustainability of business during economy recession


Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a mission to the group which was developed by Tata’s great grandfather, Jamsetji Tata. To sustain business while promoting corporate social responsibility culture would remain a challenge for Tata Group. It will be a difficult situation for Tata Group to decide between fulfilling the mission and sustaining its businesses during an economy slowdown especially there is $7.4 billion in debt.


Long term


Lack of successor after retirement of Ratan Tata


Ratan who is single and childless could even be the last Tata to oversee the group. He hasn’t titled a successor after he retires from Tata. The problem would be the lack of a successor for his position.


Organization structure


The diversification of its investments and businesses in different regions has led to insufficiency of the central system. There is a scarcity in the centrally focused objective of the group. Accordingly, eccentric structure gives individual companies a way to handle new opportunities and threats.


Struggles with owning Corus


Acquisition of Corus, an Anglo-Dutch steel firm which is four times larger than its size and the largest steel producer in the U.K. Post-acquisition issues faced by Tata Steel with $7.4 billion of debts and higher-cost operations of Corus will weaken its profit margins as well as cross-cultural issues.




Tata Group is managing nearly 100 companies with 300 subsidiaries in seven broad sectors and operates in more than 80 countries, which is an extremely daunting task. This is a long-term problem towards its diversification of investments and businesses, as there is no common objective. The dilemma arises from the proper management and cultural difference of companies under Tata Group will lead to the challenge of the group.


The persistence of cultural value contrasts is relevant for multinational organizations that are exposed to numerous national cultures in their regular operations. According to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory (Appendix 1), Indian culture is under the power distance which all individuals in societies are facing inequality (Pankaj, G. & Sebastian, R. 2011). Nevertheless, the UK is categorized into Individualism (Appendix 1) and therefore points to the fact that British culture promotes equality and individuality. Acceptance of un-equal rights of Indian culture towards working environment would affect the whole organisation’s profitability as well as employees’ attitudes toward work, for instance, the acquisition of Corus Company from Europe.


According to Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Analysis (Appendix 2), this method would help organisations in its effective management. In force field analysis change, it is to test whether it will lead to the desired state while restraining forces will hold the organisation back. In order to change organisation to the desired state, it has to strengthen the forces supporting the change and weakening those against it (Stephen, 2006). Due to future threats to Tata may lie in its diversification strategy, a lack of central control of Tata Group is a restraining force to achieve a desired state in the global.


From the article, the management style of Tata Group seemed to follow an ethnocentric strategic predisposition and an organizational culture of “family culture”.


The management style used by Tata Group is a centralized system that follows the organisational culture of ethnocentric predisposition. In this predisposition, plans and decisions for overseas market are developed in the home country (Yoram, 1973). It could be an issue for a company that’s entering into a foreign market. In the passage, Mr Ratan is the chief dealmaker who is negotiating the major deals and manages all the details of his business (Luthans and Doh, 2009). The ethnocentric predisposition may influence the parochialism in Ratan Tata regarding his logical strategic thinking.


According to Trompenaars’ Four Diversity Cultures (Appendix 3), Tata Group has adopted “family culture” which power is concentrated in specific leaders. This type of organizational culture is emphasized on the hierarchy, orientated towards persons, tasks directed from the leader as well as taking good care of the employees (Adrian & Michat, 2011). For instance, Tata ensures employees are given benefits and enjoy continued employment (Luthans and Doh, 2009). This would affect their annual spending in the company’s home base.


As mentioned above, ethnocentric strategic predisposition was applied in Tata Group’s management. The acquisition has led Tata Steel to face some major issues. By owning Corus, Tata Group was facing the high expenses of Corus and Tata’s profit margin will be weakened based on the new debt of $7.4 billions. Solid Research and Technology advancement is one of the reasons that Tata Group obtained the Corus, which added to the upper hand of Tata Group. Specialist issues with respect to increments in labour expense were high need for the unions to speak to Corus specialists. An additional $600 million in Port Talbot for assurance of their livings, but Tata executives declined after assuming control.


Tata Group corresponded with the renegotiate dominant parts of the obligations, however never give guarantees as to the administration and defending the occupation. It would not be a simple assignment to oversee when Corus would need to hold the edges without the assistance of less expensive inputs supplied by Tata. Indeed, current income of Corus couldn't help much in its organization. On the off chance that the universal steel value decreases, Tata Steel needs to utilize its own particular income to administer the obligations (Krishna, 2008).


Tata Group should plan a business strategy to increase its profit margins that were caused by the Corus. The Boston Consulting Group’s Growth- Share Matrix is used to examine the resource allocation and strategic implications to sustain its business. This would help to analyse the sectors in which the Tata Group operates. According to the BCG Growth Matrix (Appendix 4), Tata Steel, Tata Motors and Tata Power are under the category of stars, which mean these companies are in the high market share and the product is still growing. Hence, the investment of these companies should be increased. Tata Tea and Tata Chemicals emerge as the Cash Cows that have the business with a high relative share of low-growth markets. Thus, this investment could be remaining or reduced.


Based on the information read, Ratan Tata has given his best to drive the business from a patriarchal concern to an institutional enterprise in four years. What he has done is establishing the growth mechanisms, play down individuals and play up the team that has made the companies what they are (John A., 211). This will be the toughest challenge to find a suitable successor before he steps down.


Meanwhile, high inflation and monetary policy are still tightening in India, which faces a number of significant downside risks in the year (Biswas, 2014). The country economic growth is always parallel to the global crisis. During economy slowdown, Tata Group is facing the toughest decision on whether to sustain its business or hold firm to its expensive corporate social responsibility.


The problem could be solved due to the reduction of contribution for charity, such as reducing the $40 million a year of supplying all civic services and schools (Luthans and Dans, 2009), in order to maintain the business sustainability. However, reduction or termination of charitable funds will have to be considered further by Tata Group for long-term implication. Meanwhile, the CSR projects will be additional costs to the business financially in the period of economic recession. Therefore, it will depend on Tata Group whether to cut down CSR commitment during economy crisis or to continue paying attention to important CSR principles (Yakup, Eva & Ahmet, 2010).


Criteria of Evaluation


Tata Group should plan the strategies for the organisation in order to work efficiently and efficiency as well as to solve the problems.


To identify and differentiate the businesses using BCG Growth-Share Matrix (Appendix 4) within 5 months.

To change the strategies in managing the organisation structure.

To retain a successor for Tata Group within the next two to three years.

To reduce annual charitable spending within next 4 years.

To lessen the debts of the Corus group within next 5 years.


Alternative Strategies


There are different strategies that Tata Group should consider in order to sustain the business profitability.


Short term


BCG Growth-Share Matrix to organise businesses


According to BCG Growth-Share Matrix (Appendix 4), it will help a business to generate cash from businesses with strong competitive positions in mature markets. Tata Group could use the strategy to examine the resources to each product or service it sells depending on how that product or service is positioned in the market within the next 5 months (Boston, 2013). Based on this strategy, Tata Group could identify which business would actually increase the profit and market share. Eliminating the low profit businesses and investing on high market share businesses.


Reducing the charitable spending


Tata Group may do some adjustment regarding the charity spending annually and reduce the employees’ benefits, which will enable the group to sustain its business longer.


Long term


Identify successor


Ratan Tata could choose a successor from its Tata Group’s top management or someone who can solve the problems from tough assignments given by Ratan Tata.


Transform of organisation structure


Geocentric strategies predisposition develops the policies and organisation activities on a worldwide basis that will be applied to Tata Group. Besides, the corporate culture of Tata Group will be change from “family” to “incubator” within the next 4 years (Appendix 3).


Reduce debts from Corus group


Tata Group should lessen the debts of Corus within next 5 years. Tata Group should identify the business with high profit margin; invest more on the business in order to gain profit earned. It could maintain its competitive advantage and transform into a making money firm.


Recommended Strategy


From the alternative strategies that have been given above, it can solve the diverse problems of Tata Group. For business plans to be both achievable and sustainable, there are 3 out of 5 recommended strategies would most benefit to the Tata Group.


Short term


BCG Growth-Share Matrix to organise businesses


Based on this strategy, Tata Group could identify which business would actually increase the profit and market share. Eliminating the low profit businesses and investing on high market share businesses would help the Tata Group in its business sustainability globally.


Long term


Identify successor


Finding a capable leader always essential to all sorts of organisations in order to lead the group to achieve the goals and the mission. Therefore, Tata should appoint a successor for Tata Group from the Top Management who can immediately take over the tasks.


Transform of organisation structure


Geocentric strategies predisposition (Appendix 5) makes it easier for business to be competitive and capable to communicate easier in any countries. It allows us to do business with anyone when they have different cultural background. Besides, the corporate culture of Tata Group will be change from “family” to “incubator” within the next 4 years (Appendix 3). The incubator would increase the business profitability and potential for long-term economic impact.


Justifications of recommendations


The successor should be chosen for the company, especially from the top management’s staffs or senior-level executive. By developing the internal successor would assure that the vision and mission of the company would be carried out after retirement of Ratan Tata.


Most MNC’s have a cultural strategic predisposition towards making decision or doing things. If an MNC’s depend on one cultural strategic predisposition over the period, this approach will greatly influence the strategic planning. In order to sustain the business, it should change the ethnocentric predisposition whereby the values and interests of the parent company making decisions. Geocentric predisposition would be a better cultural strategic due to diversification of the investments and businesses (Appendix 5).


Family culture that strongly emphasizes on the hierarchy used by Tata Group should be changed to incubator culture. The incubator culture is also considered as an incubator culture, which emphasize on equality and personal orientation (Appendix 3). This culture will help Tata management to maintain its business of the equality, environment instead of the hierarchal way.


According to the Boston Consulting Group, the BCG matrix (Appendix 4) aims to identify resources depend on how a product or service is positioned in the market. By using this strategy will bring evaluation to decisions about which business unit to invest in and whichever the business never meet the profitability and growth targets can be declined. There are divided into 4 categories, which are stars, question marks, cash cows and dogs. Most of the organisation would want to buy over the company that is in the cash cow (market leader in a stable market) category.


Implementation, Control and Follow-up


Tata Group has diverse businesses all over the world, which is hardly to be implemented. One of the biggest problems arising for Tata Group would be the organisational change. Although the strategy has been given to the Tata Group, it would take longer time to change the whole entity’s management. Resistance to change is a normal reaction from people due to fear, poor communication, low trust, misunderstanding and not being consulted (Sharon L., 1989); therefore, they could assign a key person to take charge of the change process.


Moreover, the managers and supervisors have to follow up with the process even after successfully consolidating the exercise. They are the closest to the employees who eventually adopt a change. If there are problems during the process of changing, they should raise the issues to the top management in order to move them forward in the change process.


51Due作为专业的留学教育辅导机构,专业辅导哲学论文代写research paper代写,自2004年至今,坚持以学生为中心,全天候服务,为海外留学生完成了数万篇英文论文写作技巧、essay代写、report代写、经济学论文代写等论文,以优质的英国代写服务赢得留学生的信赖,如有心理学essay代写需求,欢迎咨询51Due哦。



The impact of marketing on products and services

英国research paper代写精选:“The impact of marketing on products and services”,这篇论文主要讲述了营销对于产品和服务的影响及作用。文章指出,营销一直以来都是一种销售产品和服务的手段,因为它被认为是企业呈现自身产品的方式,因此,企业往往通过各种调查和分析来了解用户的需求,并利用自身资源来获取消费者群体的结构和思维。本research paper代写由51due整理,供大家参考阅览。


英国research paper代写精选:


Marketing has always been a factor that decides the outcome of your product or service which a customer avails because it’s a factor which is known for its influence sometimes through big time advertisements and sometime through celebrities which holds influence in the market. Marketing is always another way to sell the product/service in the market as it is considered as how you present your product and how a common man perceives it. Therefore, companies tend to use their resources to get inside the structure and the thinking of the consumer groups through various surveys and understanding the demand pattern.


Example: If market study of a cola drink show that a particular group of customer is influenced by a celebrity they will make sure to endorse him so that people could gain faith and prefer their product over their competitors.


Marketing can be in any form such as through social media or advertisements or through offering the latest market trend to customers. Every food venture, industry and even a small scale business would be having its set of marketing strategies for different market segment, region area and even continent. These strategies are developed by understanding the type of the market, the purchasing power of people and the cost product of company. There is always a breakeven point in the mind of the service providers and as well how these companies choose to present and advertise them to the target market.


It were the strategies that helped McDonald’s to almost conquer every part and corner of the earth with reaching out to 119 countries and across 35,000 various outlets. Instead of suffering losses and stiff competitions they still ought to be on the top of their chain. (Wikepedia, 2015)


Reason: Having a good marketing muscle.


The franchisees have to contribute at least 4 percent of their sales for advertising and marketing purposes which enable them to pool in a good fortune because they know the value of the marketing and the amount of business it creates.


Every firm and organization have a goal to be achieved and similarly they also have a set of marketing objectives which have been pre decided, marketing strategies provides a direction and a path to these objectives and targets set by the firm. As on the first place these strategies have been developed according to the convenience of the consumers, therefore it becomes easy to connect the company’s goals to the marketing strategies. (ETRetail, 2015)


Not only these marketing strategies provide directions for the marketing objectives but it also somehow helps in identifying the competitions that is going on in the market. Such identifications of the major competitions helps firm to offer an appropriately designed set of marketing mix which will be further beneficial as well as helpful in achieving the objectives of the company. If supposedly KFC starts providing coupons which offers a complimentary item with every time you visit jus to retain its market share so McDonalds will analyze its strategies and will come up with something more complimentary and hence identification of competition is completed.


Marketing strategies have always been a factor which explains the functions of market segmentations. These strategies clearly explains about the set of people to be specifically targeted and those who require attention as well exclude the group of market that doesn’t require to be looked after so that there is no wastage of time and resources. Not only the market but it gives a view in brief about the requirement of people at that specific point of time. It analyses the needs and wants of the current market and as well it gives a hint over the preference of the market


As we know that it is nearly impossible to predict the market as well as future of the company. If the market strategies are well planned it could be a help in understanding the dynamic nature of the market to some extent. It is not only a measure for market segmentation but as well is a factor seen as used for mitigating and avoiding the prevailing factors which could incur a loss to the company. There are always a set of alternative strategies kept prepared as a last resort in case there is a change in technology, product and services, taste of consumer or competitors strategies.


Talking about identifying the customers, marketing strategies also highlights the competitive advantage a company is having on the basis of which it could differentiate the areas where they have edge over competitors and it as well is a source to identify strengths where they can enjoy the monopoly. These areas could be Corporate/Brand Image, product and service superiority and distribution network and if the marketing strategies of the firm are well designed and defined, it is helpful in generating a corporate image of the firm.


It is also helpful in facilitating few of the organisation activities such as Organizing, directing, Staffing as well as short term planning. If a car manufacturer is going to produce an 8 seater family car affordable for middle class they will accordingly manage their staff, organize their working and carry out the production.


Every market have a different approach to target their customers. It’s either through introducing your customers with something new to look upon which could be either a product or a service. These new set of introduction are a version and depiction of what the market demands and market wants which have been prepared accordingly to the demand pattern of the market.


Example: To gain the trust of people of India and on other hand securing their brand the food giants in India have forfeited the use of pork and beef in their servings which are attracting a good amount of abroad such as Burger King is established for its beef burgers but coming to India they have replaced it with chicken. (ICMR, 2010)


The second method is through the sources inside market or it could be through updating the currently marketing holder strategies which a have bought the business on the door on the 1st place.


Example: The popularity gaining products such as KFC;s Zingers and Crushers, Dominos’ pizzas these both have gained and kept hold on a significant amount of customers so to keep a hold on to their selected market they updated their product or included it in a money gatherer meal. Likely to hold on to the interest, Fast Food Ventures are concentrating on generating revenue on the days such as Dominos which have started Pizza on Pizza free on Wednesdays or KFC’s Zinger on Zinger on Wednesdays which are running low otherwise. The basic idea is to bait the customers to grab their best schemes in the market so that process of revenue generation doesn’t occur loses.


Talking about the marketing strategies, it is obvious that applying the same set of strategies and outsourcing technique in different part of world, countries and geographical regions is not beneficial for the business as well as the company. Hence to make their grip on the overall market fast food giants are setting up different standard and strategies. Therefore, companies spend their fair amount of resources, energy as well as time on understanding the demand and the availability, then these researcher try to find a gap or void that has been created in market which is not able to able to absorb the targeted market as a whole. When this research is complete, then company try to introduce a product which could be the solution to this situation.




The pizza market itself in India is worth Rs. 1500 crores and is still on its way to gro. If considered the stats of CAGR (Consumer Annual Growth Rate) the market have seen a rise of 26% in past 5 years, among this market share about 70% of segment have been generated through Home delivery and with 55% of share in market Domino’s alone are holding the consumer group in India. But it was never the same as both pizza hut and dominos entered India with an idea of targeting the huge amount of customers but by the end of 20th century Pizza hut had half of the market with them which was now raising questions on the survival of the pizza giants in south Asia. (Pizza Hut and Dominos: A comparative analysis, 2015)


Change in the market strategies:


When Domino’s went into deep study of the market they found out that people in India were not showing a great response to the theme of pizza hut of dining under one roof. Researchers got to know that only 25% of the total population ought to dine outside, a point which pizza hut have been overlooking. Taking the advantage of the situation, Domino’s laid emphasis on Home delivery system. To give a boost to its sales they started 30 mins or free scheme which was only applicable to maximum 4 pizzas. The outcome of this strategy saw Pizza hut losing its half of the market to Domino’s in the just 2 years. Since then Domino’s never looked back and till date the boss in the Indian Pizza market. (AdvertismentAge, 2009)


The marketing have been affected by the Modernization and Industrialization and it have upgraded the approach of the companies towards the market. This technique have upgraded through the online booking, advertisements and sponsorship. According to domino’s they have generated their 25% of revenue through orders over mobile and website. Not only the booking but now the way of marketing has also made its way through social media where approximately ¾ of the population is present. The same could be presented in form of example of Starbucks, where they attempted to enter the coffee house business in 2007 but due to lack of interest shown by consumers it had to withdraw from the market and to get back with the bang this coffee mafia instead of advertising and introducing itself, made some space for itself and let the market feel the competition and when the consumers were looking for something more appealing then Café Coffee Day and more reliable than Costa Coffee, it was the right time to make an 1st impression in the market through social media where they started a campaign called ‘Meet me at Starbucks’ which was a short film shot across 28 countries including India where consumers were invited to share their experience and stories of Starbucks. It was an instant hit, resulting Starbucks to achieve its unique identity and reopened in 2012 and just within the time span of 3 years it is successfully operating its 71 outlets in 7 different cities which is a proof for its successful marketing analysis and approach which helped them to have a successful comeback after being rejected once. Hence, it was the steady and calm approach of Starbucks which helped them to analyze their weak spots where they were lacking and when once they had their approach reconstructed according to the market pattern, it was warmly welcomed and accepted.

(ETRetail, 2015)


It could be summed up that marketing is a vast phase which have many different contrast and phase and therefore every phase in itself holds a significant amount of depth therefore only part which I took in consideration was marketing, its phases, strategies and growing connection with industrial technology sector. So when going through how marketing works it could be agreed upon that initiating further marketing strategies is always a decision which is the good benefactor for the growth of the company. As with growing extensions in the area of communication relations therefore, marketers are making a good fusion with the social media and through communication skill it is making out the best from it could.


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